Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Holga 135BC
w/ Holga 15b Flash

Shes a no stranger to all analogue lovers!
In fact, if you're new and dying to try lomography, it is recommended
you go for something basic and definitely cheap.
Nice 'BC' effects or vignetting what is called.

For starters? Don't let it fooled you. This lightweight plastic has been seen used by
inspiring lomographers who truly love its vignetting effect and simplicity.
Whats more, did I mention there is tonnes of mods/accessories it can take?
eg, 15b Flash/  FishEye/ Closeup Lens

Like the below post on the Holga 120GCFN, most Holgas is fixed with limited
aperture, focus zone. This is where the creativity or #10 Rules of Lomography came in.
Basically there's no rules, be free. Experiment with different focus zone, Aperture etc,
and oh.... it has BULB mode too for Long exposure! YEA! AWESOME !

Feel like taking some 'bulging' images? Here is the Fisheye lens attached.
Need I say more?

Here's the back view. on the Top Left of the body, is the Rewind knob, Top Right
is the Shutter Button. As you can see the viewfinder too, and beside it is the Film advanced knob/wheel.
Its all about experimenting. 'Back to basic' kind of camera. Those who owns a Digital camera and has not
touch film camera for ages, here's the chance for you to explore, by the way, do search for videos
of how to load the film. I wasted 3 rolls. :x

The Shutter button has a threaded thingy inside for use with... SHUTTER CABLE RELEASE.
Long exposure or self portrait has never been easier. The image above also shows the shutter/film count.

Left of the body, the Rewind Knob.

So in short, for those who just wana try and get the feel of lomography or plastic camera, I would recommend
this to you as it is just pure basic point and shoot camera with some features. Looking to upgrade for more?
There's a wide range of accessories you could fit this baby to. Like i mentioned,
the Fisheye, ouh, how about WIDE ANGLE LENS? COLOR FILTERS?

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