Monday, January 31, 2011

Theme: Streets in Black & White

Here we are, in Black & White again. Taken purely using a SONY H10,
the sharpness in the pictures ain't disappointment.  Full album in the link below!
Click Click!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Themed: A Day in Black & White

All photos above are in HD. Yea, so go on, Click it. Preview don't do justice.
Keep on snapping people!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Lego Land
Close up + Ringflash

It sure looks easy, but trust me, its not. Composing the subjects angles an how they 'react' is truly a challenge as this is my 1st time working with small objects.Accompanied by the camera was a Lomography's Ringflash. I tell you, it was awesome. With like so many colored gels and 4 ring color adapters, You will be able to change the color of your light in a snap.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Movie in Still Motion

Excited yet?
Yes, our very 1st, Movie in still.
I so can't wait for the movie/video to be out here to present to you guys.

Everything is captured by still images.
Check back here for updates/process etc.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Holga 135BC
w/ Holga 15b Flash

Shes a no stranger to all analogue lovers!
In fact, if you're new and dying to try lomography, it is recommended
you go for something basic and definitely cheap.
Nice 'BC' effects or vignetting what is called.

For starters? Don't let it fooled you. This lightweight plastic has been seen used by
inspiring lomographers who truly love its vignetting effect and simplicity.
Whats more, did I mention there is tonnes of mods/accessories it can take?
eg, 15b Flash/  FishEye/ Closeup Lens

Like the below post on the Holga 120GCFN, most Holgas is fixed with limited
aperture, focus zone. This is where the creativity or #10 Rules of Lomography came in.
Basically there's no rules, be free. Experiment with different focus zone, Aperture etc,
and oh.... it has BULB mode too for Long exposure! YEA! AWESOME !

Feel like taking some 'bulging' images? Here is the Fisheye lens attached.
Need I say more?

Here's the back view. on the Top Left of the body, is the Rewind knob, Top Right
is the Shutter Button. As you can see the viewfinder too, and beside it is the Film advanced knob/wheel.
Its all about experimenting. 'Back to basic' kind of camera. Those who owns a Digital camera and has not
touch film camera for ages, here's the chance for you to explore, by the way, do search for videos
of how to load the film. I wasted 3 rolls. :x

The Shutter button has a threaded thingy inside for use with... SHUTTER CABLE RELEASE.
Long exposure or self portrait has never been easier. The image above also shows the shutter/film count.

Left of the body, the Rewind Knob.

So in short, for those who just wana try and get the feel of lomography or plastic camera, I would recommend
this to you as it is just pure basic point and shoot camera with some features. Looking to upgrade for more?
There's a wide range of accessories you could fit this baby to. Like i mentioned,
the Fisheye, ouh, how about WIDE ANGLE LENS? COLOR FILTERS?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Holga 120GCFN
w/ Superheadz 35mm Film Holder

The beloved toy camera. Influenced by love and I since has dedicated my photography
with Lomography's 10 Golden Rules. 1st toy/plastic camera ever! A lil' outdated,
but heck. Its love now.

The only aperture this beauty have is the Sunny F20/Cloudy F13.
The lens has a 4 settings for zone of focus. With trial and error, somehow i manage
to get hold of the focus. Hey! Don't think Just Shoot right?!
Single Person - The single person is your first focusing point. He'll focus approximately 3ft (0.91m) in font of your camera. For me, that's the length of my arms plus 1ft.

3 Person - These three cheeky chaps will focus approximately 4-6ft (1.83m). That's about the size of your average 6ft person.

7 Person - These three cheeky chaps will focus approximately 4-6ft (1.83m). That's about the size of your average 6ft person.

Moutain - The mountain focuses at infinity, so if your object is further away than 18ft then spin your lens round to this.

After shooting on the Holga 135BC camera (review will be up soon), i realize that the Holgas
viewfinder just...... SUCKS. Not as though it didn't help with the composing of the images, but its just
not as accurate. This is not the MAJOR problem though, again, with trial and error, I roughly able to get it right. Its just due to the camera 'parallax' thingy.

Recently LOVE got me a Superheadz 35mm Film holder for this beauty.
With film holder/adapter, i can say GOODBYE (not totally) to 120 format film!
Now I can just keep shooting over and over again with 35mm film. More shots than what the 120film
format has to offer. The image shows the rewind knob almost identical to 135BC.

No. These definitely cant be forgotten. The newer version of these adapter includes the film counter,
so that you get to know how many shots you have taken. AWESOME! yea i know!

Heres the image of how the beauty got fixed with the film holder.
It also shows that i have a tripod attached, and good news, it can be threaded to any tripod!
awesome again.... i know!
Did I mentioned that this baby is fitted with an integrated FLASH
and it comes with rotatable color filters in it?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Theme: Her name is, Sepia
Camera: SONY H10


Feel the beauty of vignetting and old school photography.
Visit the place where once British ruled Singapore.

Shes so beautiful, Her name is, Sepia